Friday, December 27, 2019

Sociological Theories In The Movie The Matrix - 824 Words

â€Å"Goodbye Mr. Anderson† (Agent Smith). Luckily, this was not the end to Neo’s road, it was only the beginning of his long journey to becoming ‘The One,’ and freeing humans from the Matrix. Similar to Neo’s story, this is only the beginning, the beginning of a discussion of the sociological concepts within the movie, The Matrix. The Matrix is a movie about machines, with artificial intelligence, who use humans for energy by inserting humans minds into a program called â€Å"The Matrix.† The movie follows a character named Neo, who is believed to the â€Å"The One,† the person who will save the humans from the machines. There are many sociological concepts in the movie, The Matrix. Such as culture shock, code switching, ethnocentrism, subcultures,†¦show more content†¦When humans created artificial intelligence, the machines believed they were superior than humans and rebelled. They survived by imprisoning the humans, thus believing that their lifestyle and culture was superior to the humans. This â€Å"slavery† of the humans is similar to the slavery that happened in the nineteenth century, where some people believed they were superior to others. Once the machines in the movie believed they did not need to labor to the humans. The humans who have been freed from the Matrix tend to join together in their fight against the Machines. But there are subcultures within the tightly knit groups of humans. The ship crews have their own bonds that are unique to the other humans. The captains and crews are separate from the rest of the remaining humans in the movie. And often they are treated like celebrities by the rest of the people. This is especially true about Neo, since he is labeled as â€Å"The One,† he is held to a much higher standard than others. Everyone knows who Neo is, he is the ultimate celebrity of anyone else unplugged. 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