Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Princess Dianas Death free essay sample

Princess of Wales, was not always a princess. She was born Diana Spencer on July 1, 1961 and became Lady Diana Spencer after her father inherited the title of Earl Spencer in 1975. She was born near Sandringham, England. Her father was Edward John Spencer and her mother was Frances Ruth Burke Roche. The two divorced. Diana’s father won custody over her and her siblings. Although she was known for her shy ways, she did show an interest in dancing and music. She moved from Switzerland to London and eventually became a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School. Diana Spencer married the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, on July 29, 1981. Diana was no stranger to the British Royal family. She played with Prince Andrew and Prince Edward as a child while her family rented an estate owned by Queen Elizabeth II. In 1977 she became reacquainted with Prince Charles, their older brother who was thirteen years older than her. We will write a custom essay sample on Princess Dianas Death or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The two married July 29, 1981 but the two together were an odd couple—garden loving, reserved prince and a woman who was with an interest in pop culture and fashion. They had two sons together Prince William Arthur Philip Louis and Prince Henry Charles Alfred David. The two divorced in 1992 because they became so alienated over the years. Diana devoted herself to charitable use of land mines and a stir was caused due to her romantic interest with Dodi al Fayed, an Egyptian film producer and playboy, who also happened to be the son of Mohamed Fayed. Not too much later, on August 30, 1977. Diana Princess of Wales and Dodi al Fayed were in a car accident leaving them two and the driver to reside dead and the body guard with serious injuries. Paparazzi were blamed for the accident but conspiracies have arisen to either confirm or deny it. Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi al Fayed were murdered on the night of August 30, 1977 by Henry Paul, hired by the collaboration of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, and MI6 members due to the fear of her lovers influence on her decision to convert to Islam. â€Å"If you didn’t care what happened to me, and I didn’t care for you, we would zig zag our way through boredom and pain occasionally glancing up through the rain† Pigs on the Wing by Pink Floyd was playing on the radio as Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi al Fayed sat in the back seat on the Mercedes S280. They were riding along listening to the successful rock song. They entered a tunnel when *flash* there was a bright light and Skeerd! Boom! The Mercedes hit something. Diana, Princess of Wales was barely alive, the driver was dead, and so was her lover Fayed, the only survivor of the horrid accident was the bodyguard. The paramedics came and found Diana slumped in the back seat with no responses to them but with the blinking of her eyes and immediately put an oxygen mask over her face. She was then put into the back of the ambulance. Diana, Princess of Wales, was pronounced dead before she arrived to the hospital. I believe what happened is the Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles heard of Diana, Princess of Wales, being pregnant with the child of Dodi al Fayed. They knew that there could not be heir of Egyptian decent. Chris Laffaille, a French investigative journalist, uncovered evidence of the pregnancy from official archives of the Paris hospital where the princess was taken after the crash on the night of August 31. â€Å"Princess Diana was†¦nine to ten weeks pregnant when she died† (Sparks, 2007). They feared that the princess was going to convert to Islam because she was involved with Dodi. The Queen And Prince Charles got together with MI6 members and thought of a plan to assure Princess Diana’s death. There was a cover up of the accidents actual events. The paparazzo was blamed for the crash because a bright light flashed causing the accident. The light was supposed to have come from a camera but camera flashes are not as bright as the light that was described. A white Fiat Uno was used to block the limousines path causing it to collide with the thirteenth pillar. The light may have come from the driver of the Fiat Uno, a security force member. Powerful anti-personnel flash-guns†¦security forces have access to much stronger tools†¦which are capable of blinding a victim for several minutes-easily enough to cause a fatal crash† (Did MI6 Kill The Princess). Of course it is said that a white Fiat Uno was not involved in the crash and therefore did not cause the accident. Gary Hunter, a concerned witness, looked out of his window after hearing skiddi ng and â€Å"he saw a car turning from the tunnel exit and roaring down the street below† (Diana Bodyguard Rees-Jones Transcript Released). There would have been some kind of evidence behind if there was a collision between two cars. Sure enough â€Å"crash investigators had found pieces of the smashed rear light of a Fiat Uno mixed with glass from the headlight of Dianas Mercedes. The limousine would have passed the point where the shards were found several yards before it crashed into a concrete pillar† (Diana Bodyguard Rees-Jones Transcript Released). The driver of the Fiat Uno was a part of the plan to kill Diana, Princess of Wales, and if not then whoever was driving the car would have come forward to try and explain their side of the story. Evidence, cameras, and seatbelts were tampered with. A blood test had been altered revealing, the clearly drunk driver, to be sober. â€Å"It declared that Henri Paul was driving at double the speed limit 60mph and had consumed a very considerable amount of alcohol†¦The driver was twice over the British drink-drive limit and three times over the French one†¦Paul had sunk the equivalent of ten small glasses Ricard, his favorite liquorice-flavoured French aperitif, before taking the wheel† (Reid, 2007). Trevor-Reese Jones, the bodyguard also said that the driver was drunk. All the cameras in the area of the accident and not one got a shot or recording of what occurred. There were 10 cameras along the route from Ritz hotel and more than 11 in the Pont de l’Alma underpass where the crash happened but none of these picked up images of the Mercedes traveling along the road or of the crash. The cameras were turned or shut off to assure that there will be no proof that there was another in the tunnel waiting to cause the accident. There are claims â€Å"that the cameras were deliberately turned off in order to avoid recording anything that could be used as evidence. The report into the accident said that the cameras were all facing buildings and that those inside the underpass were turned off at 11pm† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). The cameras would have to be cut off for a while before the Mercedes entered the tunnel so no questions and curiosity would be raised wondering why right when the Mercedes entered did the camera cut off. â€Å"Electricity supplies in the road tunnel were cut off 25 minutes before Dianas Mercedes entered it† (Mathuna, 2000). There was no electronic evidence to hold up the idea that another car was involved in the accident. It was said that Diana who regularly wore her seatbelt, did not on the night of the crash. When one of such high grandeur gets in the car, they simply do not put themselves in more danger by not wearing a seatbelt. Seatbelts save lives. If wearing the seatbelt, she would have survived the crash with injuries and would not have died. The only excuse for the princess to not wear her seatbelt is because it did not work properly. The Daily Express newspaper in Britain published claims that prior to the car crash, the Mercedes had been stolen a few months earlier and the seatbelts had been tampered with. After examining evidence of it was found that â€Å"fastening pins were filed down, making it impossible for the road safety conscious royal to click her belt buckle shut before her fatal journey† (Allen, 2006). There was no way for Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi al Fayed to escape their forced fate. Diana, Princess of Wales could have survived the injuries that she endured while in the car crash. The crash itself was no guarantee of an instant death so measures had to be taken to assure the princesses death. The ride in the ambulance had some faulty ways meaning that unnecessary stops were made, and necessary stops were not made. A deliberate slow drive was taken, one hospital was passed up, and a stop was made at the Gare d’Austerlitz train station. The journey to take Diana just a couple of miles away took one hour and forty three minutes. â€Å"The first call to the emergency services came at 12:26am and the police arrived at 12:30 am followed by an ambulance with the Doctor Jean-Marc Martino, an intensive care specialist, arrived at 12:40am†¦Diana was removed from the car at 1am and left the crash scene at 1. 41. am. She then arrived at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital at 2:06am† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). The doctor said sudden movements of the ambulance could worsen the conditions of the princess. The first hospital was passed because it did not have the equipment needed for the princesses’ injuries. The stop at the train station was made because there was a drop in Diana’s blood pressure and it had to be dealt with. Diana’s trip to the hospital was delayed multiple times. â€Å"Those responsible knew that a car crash would not be enough to guarantee her death but by delaying the response it would†. â€Å"The actual journey to take Diana just a couple of miles away took one hour and 43 minutes† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). Val de Grace is a military hospital that every injured political figure goes to when in town. It was much closer than the hospital the princess was sent to and has a top team of trauma specialists on duty around the clock. â€Å"The firemen, who were on the scene of the crash, are a part of the army. They notified Val de Grace† (Ricci, 2012) of the princess’s arrival but she never was taken there. She was taken way out of the way and did not receive help in time and died from the delay. There was havoc over Dodi al Fayed influencing Diana to convert to Islam. Dodi al Fayed did not have to persuade Diana, Princess of Wales to convert. She became very involved in campaigning against land mines and had given plenty of interviews attacking the Royal Family for the way that they treated her. â€Å"She was preparing to denounce British complicity in the sale of weapons to countries that do not respect human rights† (Princess Diana was Killed, 2010). Diana was said to have been committing treason for telling the families secrets. The relationship with Fayed that the princess had, only further increased her political savvy. She referred to the British House of Windsor as lizards and reptiles and stated that they were not human. â€Å"Diana grew to believe that the British monarchy, with all its hidden power, were her enemies† (Allen, Diana Was Not the Target, 2001). She saw faults in the British monarchy. Of course there has to be a counterargument in the evidence with the white Fiat Uno, the seatbelt allocations, and the accusations of Diana being pregnant. The exact car from the collision and its owner was said to never have been found after an eight month period. Something was up in the investigation if it took eight months to find the car. Jeffrey Steinberg in a documentary of Diana’s murder, states â€Å"I found it almost impossible to come up with some sort of a benign explanation of how and why this car and the driver and whatever other passengers were in the car could’ve disappeared from the face of the Earth for an eight month period without there being some kind of sinister aspect to that† (Gregory, Dispatches: The Accident). The car that was found belonged to a French photographer that had before taken photos of the princess but his car was eliminated from being the car that caused the crash due to an analysis. Thomas Sancton says in the documentary that the car â€Å"eliminated suspicion on the grounds that the paint, the chemical inspector graphics analysis of the paint proved that it did not correspond to the samples of paint that was founded on the road surface and Mercedes† (Gregory, Dispatches: The Accident). In a report, people who were close to Diana told the stories of how the princess was not a habitual seat belt wearer. Diana had to be otherwise no tampering with the seatbelts would have occurred. It would have been pointless and a waste of time to destroy them knowing that she did not put a seatbelt on anyway. Diana â€Å"was an avid seatbelt wearer†¦yes she would even put her seatbelt on when adorned in an elaborate ballroom gown† (Princess Diana 2007). To get away from the death being planned what was also said was that all the seatbelts were in working order apart from Diana’s which was damaged after the car crash. It can never be proven whether the princess was pregnant or not due to her body being embalmed before post-mortem was carried out and no pregnancy test was taken because there was no reason to one thought. Her body was embalmed by the French and it is said that the purpose of this was to conceal that she was pregnant† stated the coroner, Lord Justice Scott Baker to Haroon Siddique of the newspaper The Guardian. Lord Scott also said â€Å"no pregnancy test had been carried out on Diana at the hospital where she was taken that night because there appeared to be no reason to do so†. The coroner said Diana had been taking the contraceptive pill to ensure that she would not get pregnant. Tests taken after her death â€Å"show she was not pregnant and also testimony of close friends who say she had been on a period and that she did not want to get married at the point in her life† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). In this case a pregnancy cannot be proved because of the ways the princess’ body was handled after her death. Diana, Princess of Wales being pregnant would have been the motive for her to be killed so any evidence or proof of this would have been destroyed or discredited. Whenever major life-changing historical event occurs throughout history, conspiracies were seldom far behind. A conspiracy is any combination of men for an evil purpose or an agreement between two or more persons to commit some crime in concert, to commit treason or excite sedition or insurrection against the life of someone. In the absence of a full confession, this can only be decided by a preponderance of evidence, and it would be silly to come to a conclusion on any matter without looking at all the evidence available. This is only common sense, just as it is safe to assume some degree of guilt or complicity on the part of anyone who lies about an event, or tries to hide, plant, or destroy any type of evidence. There is a certain negative undertone to the term conspiracy theory in todays society. It is pointed out that many conspiracy theories contain certain features that undermine their credibility. The term conspiracy theory is used in its neutral sense; using it to mean an alternative explanation for an event, as it is defined in the dictionary. In order to create a complete conspiracy theory, the conspiracy theorist has to create a set of story elements that explain everything that happened in the event. They must then find evidence to support the story elements. A conspiracy theorist must show evidence for an alternative story. In this case, the theorist must demonstrate explicit evidence for a controlled demolition. The word has to be put out about the other possibilities of the event that has occurred. That is when books come along, newspaper articles, blog posts, documentary films and videos, and websites begin to broadcast its view of what happened that is backed up with evidence. Then, as soon as conspiracy theories gain traction, a new phenomenon appears. People who believe the official story want to debunk the theorists. The debunkers have the same evidence-gathering and promotional tools at their disposal, and they put up resistance to conspiracy theories. People are found to help back up each sides statements trying to prove lies as facts. Some realities are proven through conspiracies and in order to make the realities extreme measures are taken. If things really do operate as efficiently as James Bond films lead watchers to believe, then there would be nothing to stop the people at the top from orchestrating the death of Diana, Princess of Wales and making it to appear as an accident. pic] This is the letter Diana wrote to her butler stating her fear of Prince Charles plotting to kill her. [pic] Works Cited Allen, Peter. Diana, Princess of Wales :: View Topic DIANA SEATBELT SABOTAGE PROBE.   Diana, Princess of Wales :: View Topic DIANA SEATBELT SABOTAGE PROBE. Princess-Diana. com PhpBB, 25 Apr. 2006. Web. 08 May 2013. Allen, Rayelan. The Uncensored National Rumor.   DIANA WAS NOT THE TARGET REDMAN. Rumor Mill News, 2001. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. B, B. K. Princess Diana. Rev. of  Princess Dianas Death. Weblog post. Death: The MI6 Connection! Blogger. com, 8 Aug. 2007. Web. 09 May 2013. Diana Bodyguard Rees-Jones Transcript Released. Interview by ABC News. Diana Bodyguard. About. com, n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. Diana Conspiracy: Was the Princess of Wales Killed by the British Royal Family and MI6? Web log post. HubPages. GlamSocial, n. d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. Diana, Princess of Wales: Did MI6 Kill the Princess?   LondonNet. London Net Ltd, n. d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Dispatches: The Accident Princess Diana Documentary 1998. † Dir. Martyn Gregory. Perf. Jeffrey Steinberg and Thomas Sancton. YouTube. 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