Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global warming proposing solutions essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global warming proposing solutions - Essay Example Air pollution is the basic cause of global warming. The air has been enormously polluted by the smoke escaping from chimneys, and the burning of fuels in automobiles. Man made causes are the biggest contributors of the global warming. Fuels made from such organic materials as oil and coal are called as fossil fuels. When they are burnt, fossil fuels give off gases rich in carbon content. These gases are known as greenhouse gases. These gases include but are not limited to carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (NO). The methane present in ground is collected along with the oil or coal that is extracted from ground. Population is another major cause of increase in global warming. More people require more vehicles. Thus, more vehicles are on the roads to burn the fossil fuels and generate methane and carbon dioxide. Also, the residue of animals that is often dumped into barren lands or even farms is rich in methane. To accommodate the food related needs of the growing po pulation, more cattle are kept because they are the fundamental source of food and dairy products for humans. Their manure is also rich in methane. Even if people become very prudent in their activities and use of things in every day life, they would still give rise to global warming because all living animals and humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Humans replace the oxygen in atmosphere with carbon dioxide, and cause global warming. In fact, humans not only replace atmospheric oxygen with carbon dioxide, but also eradicate the fundamental source of oxygen. Millions of trees are cut every year to accommodate the needs of humans. People require wood to construct homes and make things of everyday use. Trees have to be cut in order to gain wood which cuts short the source of oxygen in the atmosphere. Thus, humans are making every effort they can to increase the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and in turn, increase the global warming. Global warming is causing a lot of problems. With the increase in temperature, more and more glaciers are melting away every year and this water pours into rivers and seas. The resulting increase in the sea level is the main cause of the frequent and severe hurricanes, cyclones and tsunamis. The rise in temperature of water on the surface of sea facilitates in the building up of tsunamis. Natural disasters have blanketed the world in the recent years. Every year, many areas are flooded with water which is a potential threat to the life of animals and humans. Many people lose their lives in tsunamis. Glaciers that are melting away are depriving many animal species of their habitat. Glaciers are the primary source of food and shelter for polar bears. The rate at which glaciers are melting away presently will soon make the polar bears extinct from Earth completely. Also, thousands of cattle are drowned in floods whenever they occur. In addition to that, many people die of severe heat in the summer season every y ear because every summer season is getting much hotter than the preceding one. Air pollution has made people acquire many diseases. Thus, global warming is a big threat to life on Earth in many ways. Owing to the dangers associated with the rising temperature on Earth, there is dire need to take such measures that would reduce global warming. In order to control global warming, things of everyday use should be recycled and reused. The reliance on oil and coal should be minimized. Use of HVAC should be minimiz

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