Tuesday, September 24, 2019

An Organizational Structure and Administration of Law Enforcement Essay

An Organizational Structure and Administration of Law Enforcement Agencies - Essay Example It is usually depicted on charts by solid lines connecting the positions. Line relations or direct or executive relations are those existing between a senior and his subordinates at all levels of command. The senior's instructions are to be complied with as authority is direct. Paramilitary model of management is typical for law enforcement agencies. As with other aspects of the personnel function it is important that line officers are involved, at least to some extent, with employee relations (Sewell, 2002). There must be teamwork and a concerted organizational approach to the management of employee relations. This is made easier when top management, who retain ultimate responsibility for the personnel function, take an active part in fostering goodwill and co-operation between departments. "Administration assigns, directs, controls and coordinates department personnel and material resources. It involves budgeting, planning, purchasing, personnel administration, payroll, public rela tions, union contract administration, grant applications, special reports and secretarial support' (Department structure, n.d.). The current structure of New York Police Department can be reorganized into functional organization.

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