Friday, December 27, 2019

Sociological Theories In The Movie The Matrix - 824 Words

â€Å"Goodbye Mr. Anderson† (Agent Smith). Luckily, this was not the end to Neo’s road, it was only the beginning of his long journey to becoming ‘The One,’ and freeing humans from the Matrix. Similar to Neo’s story, this is only the beginning, the beginning of a discussion of the sociological concepts within the movie, The Matrix. The Matrix is a movie about machines, with artificial intelligence, who use humans for energy by inserting humans minds into a program called â€Å"The Matrix.† The movie follows a character named Neo, who is believed to the â€Å"The One,† the person who will save the humans from the machines. There are many sociological concepts in the movie, The Matrix. Such as culture shock, code switching, ethnocentrism, subcultures,†¦show more content†¦When humans created artificial intelligence, the machines believed they were superior than humans and rebelled. They survived by imprisoning the humans, thus believing that their lifestyle and culture was superior to the humans. This â€Å"slavery† of the humans is similar to the slavery that happened in the nineteenth century, where some people believed they were superior to others. Once the machines in the movie believed they did not need to labor to the humans. The humans who have been freed from the Matrix tend to join together in their fight against the Machines. But there are subcultures within the tightly knit groups of humans. The ship crews have their own bonds that are unique to the other humans. The captains and crews are separate from the rest of the remaining humans in the movie. And often they are treated like celebrities by the rest of the people. This is especially true about Neo, since he is labeled as â€Å"The One,† he is held to a much higher standard than others. Everyone knows who Neo is, he is the ultimate celebrity of anyone else unplugged. The main ship that the movie revolves around, the Nebuchadnezzar, even has their own subculture within itself. The crew of the Nebuchadnezzar is known for breaking the rules and following their own set of values that the other ships do not follow. The captain, Morpheus, is a renowned man that everyone knows and respects. Even within the tightlyShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem Of The Video Separate And Unequal Is Poverty And Racism982 Words   |  4 Pageslike a movie theater are not even provided for this town due to the lack of funding this community has. The intersection of race and class in this community also make it harder for people to succeed. The main race in this area is African American and they are all a lower social class because of their income and location. The matrix of oppression has grown over the years in this area. The sociological theory I would use to explain this social issue would be conflict theory. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Effects Of Using Math Cooperative Learning Groups On A...

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of using math cooperative learning groups on a second grade class at Cypress Cove Elementary School during the academic year of 2016-2017. This chapter focuses on conceptual understanding and the effectiveness of cooperative learning groups in math as well as the influence of group processing on achievement. Making Connections in Math Cognitive development occurs when students use their current knowledge of a subject’s concepts and procedures to learn new material. Math is no different. Students use what they already know as a foundation for learning new math skills. Teachers who understand this aspect of cognitive development and know how to build on what their students already have learned are effective educators (Sidney Alibali, 2015). In a study of fifth and sixth graders being taught division by fractions, Sidney et al. (2015), found that students drew on their past knowledge to understand new problems. Students used their prior knowledge to activate the transfer of the new information. The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Using differentiated instruction helps build existing knowledge and activates prior knowledge. Once students have gained a deeper level of understanding, using cooperative learning groups is beneficial because it enhances academic achievement, student attitudes, and student retention (Hsiung, 2012). Cooperative learning also provides a natural

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Automotive industry free essay sample

Maruti Suzuki India Limited generally famous as Maruti is an ancillary company of the Japanese automaker Suzuki Motor Corporation. It has a market share of 44.9% of the Indian passenger car market as of March 2011. Maruti 800 and Alto are their entry level cars. Ritz, A-Star, Swift, Wagon-R, Estilo are their hatch back models. DZire SX4 are Maruti’s Sedan class models. Eeco and Ertiga are Maruti’s C segment class. Grand Vitara is their Sports Utility Vehicle which is directly imported from Japan. Maruti is the 1st company in India to turn out and sell more than a million cars. Maruti Udyog Limited is renamed as Maruti Suzuki India Ltd on 17th September 2007. Maruti companies head quarter is in Nelson Mandela Road, New  Delhi. The company was customary in 1989; however the actual production commenced in 1983 with their Maruti 800. Till 2004 Maruti 800 was the India’s largest selling packed in car ever, since it was launched in 1983. More than a million units of this car have been sold worldwide so far. Maruti imports diesel engines for all their diesel cars from Fiat motors. Maruti’s manufacturing plants are located at two amenities Gurgoan and Manesar south of Delhi. Gurgoan plants installed capacity is of 9, 00,000 units per annum and Manesar plant with a capacity of 5, 00,000 units per year and a diesel plant with an annual capacity of 1, 00,000 engines and transmissions. Maruti has 933 dealerships crossways 666 towns and cities in all states and union territories of India with 2,946 service stations (inclusive of dealer workshops and Maruti Authorised Service Stations) in 1,395 towns and cities all over India. It has 30 Express Service Stations on 30 National Highways across 1,314 cities in India. Service is a major source of proceeds to the company. Most of the service stations help many stranded vehicles on the highways by sending across their repair man to the vehicle. 1.2 Definition Of Marketing According to American Marketing Association (AMA) Board of Directors, Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value of customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Dr. Philip Kotler defines, marketing as â€Å"the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and services†. 1.3 Customer Perceived Value Customer Perceived Value (CPV) is the distinction between the prospective customer’s evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives. 1.3.1 Customer Perceived Value of Maruti Suzuki with reference to Holbrook Model Typology of Customer Value Holbrook (1994 p. 27) asserted â€Å"Value is an interactive relativistic preference experience†. Based on this Holbrook proposed a typology of consumer value having three different dimensions: Extrinsic/Intrinsic: The consumer perceives value in using or owning a product or services as a means to and end versus an end in itself. Self-oriented/Other-oriented: The consumer perceives value for the consumer’s own benefit as against the benefit of others. Active/Reactive: The customer perceives value through direct use of an object as against apprehending, appreciating or responding to an object. These three dimensions give rise to eight types of customer value Extrinsic Intrinsic Self-oriented Active Efficiency Play Reactive Excellence Aesthetics Other-oriented Active Status Ethics Reactive Esteem Spirituality Thus for a company like Maruti it would be very apt to use this model considering that the products that Maruti Suzuki has to offer fits in quite easily in different dimensions as presented in the typology. 1.3.2 Customer Perceived Value of Maruti Suzuki with reference to Monroe Model Monroe (1990, p. 46) observes, â€Å"Buyers perceptions of value represent a trade-off between the quality or benefits they perceive in the product relative to the sacrifice they perceived by paying the price† Monroe has expressed the concept of customer perceived value as the ratio between perceived benefits and perceived sacrifice: Customer Perceived Value= Perceived Benefits ________________ Perceived Sacrifice According to Monroe perceived benefits has a positive influence on consumers perception of product value at first, and later on it may influence consumers purchase intentions. In contrast, perceived sacrifice first has a negative influence on consumers perception of product value, and later on it may influence consumers purchase intentions. Perceived Benefits Here the benefits include customers’ desired value, e.g., quality (Monroe, 1990). Sacrifices, on the other hand, include monetary (price) (Dodds, et al., 1991) and non-monetary (time, effort) (Cronin, et al., 2000) considerations. Therefore, value includes three key factors: (1) quality, (2) price, and (3) convenience (Lemon, et al., 2001), where convenience is the time and effort expended by the customers (Cronin, et al., 2000) In context to Maruti, the customer’s desired value is the quality of the car and services rendered there off. Whereas the sacrifices include the price of the car, maintenance cost, etc. 1.3.3 Customer Perceived Value of Maruti with reference to Woodruff’s Model A Value-Hierarchy Model Woodruff (1997) proposed that â€Å"Customer value is a customer’s perceived preference for and evaluation of those product attributes, attribute performances and consequences arising from use that facilities achieving the customer goals and purposes in use situations.† (p146) Accordingly the customer value hierarchy suggests that customers conceive of desired value in a means-end way. Basically it can be known as a system to run businesses throughout the country by understanding customer’s goal and satisfaction over it (Lister, n.d.) Desired Customer Customer Satisfaction Value with Received Value Customer’s Goals and Purposes Desired Consequences in Use Situations Desired Product Attributes and Attribute Preferences Starting at the bottom of the hierarchy, customers start to think about products as bundles of specific attributes and attribute performances. While purchasing and using a product they form desire or preferences for a certain attribute based on their ability to facilitate achieving desired consequence experiences. Looking down the hierarchy from the top, customers use goals and preferences to attach importance to consequences. Also the customer’s use situation plays a critical role in evaluation as well as in desires. Maruti Suzuki, being an automobile manufacturing company faces a lot of competition. Thus such a model would be very essential for their company. 1.3.4 Consumer perceived value of Maruti with reference to Zeithaml Model Means-End Model An adaptation of a model first proposed by Dodds and Monroe (1985), Zeithaml with her study in 1988 about price, quality and value towards consumers defined this into the concept of Means-End model. (Source: Means-End Model, Zeithaml, 1988) 2. Value Proposition Definition of ‘Value Proposition’ A business or marketing speech that summarizes why a customer should buy an item for consumption or use a service. This statement should prove a potential buyer that one meticulous product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than other like offerings. Companies use this statement to target customers who will benefit most from using the company’s products, and this helps maintain an economic moat. The ideal value proposition is concise and appeals to the customer’s strongest decision-making drivers. Companies pay a high price when customers lose slight of the company’s value proposition. 2.1 Value Proposition of Maruti Suzuki ‘Way of Life’ is the Value Proposition of Maruti Suzuki. As India is a country where comfort is vital while travelling, Maruti has always been the first option. As mileage is a big criterion with cars for Indians, Suzuki proves to be better than quite a few other names in cars as its vehicles have a higher mileage; for example Swift gives 22km/ltr while if you compare a Honda City gives around 12-13 km/litre. 2.2 Mission Vision of Maruti Suzuki The Company Mission To make available a wide range of modern, high quality fuel efficient vehicles in order to meet the need of different customers, both in domestic and export markets. The Company Vision We must be an internationally competitive company in terms of our products and services. We must retain our leadership in India and should also aspire to be among the global players. Their focus is on: Building a continuously improving organization adaptable to quick changes Providing value and satisfaction to the customer Aligning and fully involving all our employees, suppliers and dealers to face competition Maximising Shareholder’s value 2.3 Target Market Definition of target market: A specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services. Maruti Suzuki has adopted a focused approach and wisely created segments within a large market to promote their cars. Lower Income Group- Maruti 800, Alto  Middle Income Group- Wagon-R, Swift, Swift DZire, Ritz High Income Group- Maruti Suzuki Kizashi, Suzuki Grand Vitara Suzuki Grand Vitara would obviously have no takers amongst the lower income group. 2.4 Market Attractiveness Market attractiveness is a term that describes the profit possibilities available in a given market or industry. The more attractive a market is, the higher the potential profits. Companies in the process of considering entires into new industries or markets conduct a number of analyses to determine whether or not such a move would be good for the business. One such analysis is a market attractiveness analysis, conducted to find out if entering a particular market or industry would be profitable and how much the company could potentially earn. The automobile industry is a huge and diversified market. It can be divided into different segments each satisfying different needs of the customers. These different segments can be classified as: SUV’s, Sedans, Hatchbacks, C segments etc. This gives an automobile company ample amount of opportunities. Maruti Suzuki  is prevalent in all of these segments and is considered as one of the premium brands in all of these segments. In this very market other than the different segments of automobiles also is the service rendered by the company to the customers. Thus the market is as attractive as one would hope for giving Maruti Suzuki a chance to make the most of it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Princess Dianas Death free essay sample

Princess of Wales, was not always a princess. She was born Diana Spencer on July 1, 1961 and became Lady Diana Spencer after her father inherited the title of Earl Spencer in 1975. She was born near Sandringham, England. Her father was Edward John Spencer and her mother was Frances Ruth Burke Roche. The two divorced. Diana’s father won custody over her and her siblings. Although she was known for her shy ways, she did show an interest in dancing and music. She moved from Switzerland to London and eventually became a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School. Diana Spencer married the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, on July 29, 1981. Diana was no stranger to the British Royal family. She played with Prince Andrew and Prince Edward as a child while her family rented an estate owned by Queen Elizabeth II. In 1977 she became reacquainted with Prince Charles, their older brother who was thirteen years older than her. We will write a custom essay sample on Princess Dianas Death or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The two married July 29, 1981 but the two together were an odd couple—garden loving, reserved prince and a woman who was with an interest in pop culture and fashion. They had two sons together Prince William Arthur Philip Louis and Prince Henry Charles Alfred David. The two divorced in 1992 because they became so alienated over the years. Diana devoted herself to charitable use of land mines and a stir was caused due to her romantic interest with Dodi al Fayed, an Egyptian film producer and playboy, who also happened to be the son of Mohamed Fayed. Not too much later, on August 30, 1977. Diana Princess of Wales and Dodi al Fayed were in a car accident leaving them two and the driver to reside dead and the body guard with serious injuries. Paparazzi were blamed for the accident but conspiracies have arisen to either confirm or deny it. Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi al Fayed were murdered on the night of August 30, 1977 by Henry Paul, hired by the collaboration of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, and MI6 members due to the fear of her lovers influence on her decision to convert to Islam. â€Å"If you didn’t care what happened to me, and I didn’t care for you, we would zig zag our way through boredom and pain occasionally glancing up through the rain† Pigs on the Wing by Pink Floyd was playing on the radio as Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi al Fayed sat in the back seat on the Mercedes S280. They were riding along listening to the successful rock song. They entered a tunnel when *flash* there was a bright light and Skeerd! Boom! The Mercedes hit something. Diana, Princess of Wales was barely alive, the driver was dead, and so was her lover Fayed, the only survivor of the horrid accident was the bodyguard. The paramedics came and found Diana slumped in the back seat with no responses to them but with the blinking of her eyes and immediately put an oxygen mask over her face. She was then put into the back of the ambulance. Diana, Princess of Wales, was pronounced dead before she arrived to the hospital. I believe what happened is the Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles heard of Diana, Princess of Wales, being pregnant with the child of Dodi al Fayed. They knew that there could not be heir of Egyptian decent. Chris Laffaille, a French investigative journalist, uncovered evidence of the pregnancy from official archives of the Paris hospital where the princess was taken after the crash on the night of August 31. â€Å"Princess Diana was†¦nine to ten weeks pregnant when she died† (Sparks, 2007). They feared that the princess was going to convert to Islam because she was involved with Dodi. The Queen And Prince Charles got together with MI6 members and thought of a plan to assure Princess Diana’s death. There was a cover up of the accidents actual events. The paparazzo was blamed for the crash because a bright light flashed causing the accident. The light was supposed to have come from a camera but camera flashes are not as bright as the light that was described. A white Fiat Uno was used to block the limousines path causing it to collide with the thirteenth pillar. The light may have come from the driver of the Fiat Uno, a security force member. Powerful anti-personnel flash-guns†¦security forces have access to much stronger tools†¦which are capable of blinding a victim for several minutes-easily enough to cause a fatal crash† (Did MI6 Kill The Princess). Of course it is said that a white Fiat Uno was not involved in the crash and therefore did not cause the accident. Gary Hunter, a concerned witness, looked out of his window after hearing skiddi ng and â€Å"he saw a car turning from the tunnel exit and roaring down the street below† (Diana Bodyguard Rees-Jones Transcript Released). There would have been some kind of evidence behind if there was a collision between two cars. Sure enough â€Å"crash investigators had found pieces of the smashed rear light of a Fiat Uno mixed with glass from the headlight of Dianas Mercedes. The limousine would have passed the point where the shards were found several yards before it crashed into a concrete pillar† (Diana Bodyguard Rees-Jones Transcript Released). The driver of the Fiat Uno was a part of the plan to kill Diana, Princess of Wales, and if not then whoever was driving the car would have come forward to try and explain their side of the story. Evidence, cameras, and seatbelts were tampered with. A blood test had been altered revealing, the clearly drunk driver, to be sober. â€Å"It declared that Henri Paul was driving at double the speed limit 60mph and had consumed a very considerable amount of alcohol†¦The driver was twice over the British drink-drive limit and three times over the French one†¦Paul had sunk the equivalent of ten small glasses Ricard, his favorite liquorice-flavoured French aperitif, before taking the wheel† (Reid, 2007). Trevor-Reese Jones, the bodyguard also said that the driver was drunk. All the cameras in the area of the accident and not one got a shot or recording of what occurred. There were 10 cameras along the route from Ritz hotel and more than 11 in the Pont de l’Alma underpass where the crash happened but none of these picked up images of the Mercedes traveling along the road or of the crash. The cameras were turned or shut off to assure that there will be no proof that there was another in the tunnel waiting to cause the accident. There are claims â€Å"that the cameras were deliberately turned off in order to avoid recording anything that could be used as evidence. The report into the accident said that the cameras were all facing buildings and that those inside the underpass were turned off at 11pm† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). The cameras would have to be cut off for a while before the Mercedes entered the tunnel so no questions and curiosity would be raised wondering why right when the Mercedes entered did the camera cut off. â€Å"Electricity supplies in the road tunnel were cut off 25 minutes before Dianas Mercedes entered it† (Mathuna, 2000). There was no electronic evidence to hold up the idea that another car was involved in the accident. It was said that Diana who regularly wore her seatbelt, did not on the night of the crash. When one of such high grandeur gets in the car, they simply do not put themselves in more danger by not wearing a seatbelt. Seatbelts save lives. If wearing the seatbelt, she would have survived the crash with injuries and would not have died. The only excuse for the princess to not wear her seatbelt is because it did not work properly. The Daily Express newspaper in Britain published claims that prior to the car crash, the Mercedes had been stolen a few months earlier and the seatbelts had been tampered with. After examining evidence of it was found that â€Å"fastening pins were filed down, making it impossible for the road safety conscious royal to click her belt buckle shut before her fatal journey† (Allen, 2006). There was no way for Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi al Fayed to escape their forced fate. Diana, Princess of Wales could have survived the injuries that she endured while in the car crash. The crash itself was no guarantee of an instant death so measures had to be taken to assure the princesses death. The ride in the ambulance had some faulty ways meaning that unnecessary stops were made, and necessary stops were not made. A deliberate slow drive was taken, one hospital was passed up, and a stop was made at the Gare d’Austerlitz train station. The journey to take Diana just a couple of miles away took one hour and forty three minutes. â€Å"The first call to the emergency services came at 12:26am and the police arrived at 12:30 am followed by an ambulance with the Doctor Jean-Marc Martino, an intensive care specialist, arrived at 12:40am†¦Diana was removed from the car at 1am and left the crash scene at 1. 41. am. She then arrived at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital at 2:06am† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). The doctor said sudden movements of the ambulance could worsen the conditions of the princess. The first hospital was passed because it did not have the equipment needed for the princesses’ injuries. The stop at the train station was made because there was a drop in Diana’s blood pressure and it had to be dealt with. Diana’s trip to the hospital was delayed multiple times. â€Å"Those responsible knew that a car crash would not be enough to guarantee her death but by delaying the response it would†. â€Å"The actual journey to take Diana just a couple of miles away took one hour and 43 minutes† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). Val de Grace is a military hospital that every injured political figure goes to when in town. It was much closer than the hospital the princess was sent to and has a top team of trauma specialists on duty around the clock. â€Å"The firemen, who were on the scene of the crash, are a part of the army. They notified Val de Grace† (Ricci, 2012) of the princess’s arrival but she never was taken there. She was taken way out of the way and did not receive help in time and died from the delay. There was havoc over Dodi al Fayed influencing Diana to convert to Islam. Dodi al Fayed did not have to persuade Diana, Princess of Wales to convert. She became very involved in campaigning against land mines and had given plenty of interviews attacking the Royal Family for the way that they treated her. â€Å"She was preparing to denounce British complicity in the sale of weapons to countries that do not respect human rights† (Princess Diana was Killed, 2010). Diana was said to have been committing treason for telling the families secrets. The relationship with Fayed that the princess had, only further increased her political savvy. She referred to the British House of Windsor as lizards and reptiles and stated that they were not human. â€Å"Diana grew to believe that the British monarchy, with all its hidden power, were her enemies† (Allen, Diana Was Not the Target, 2001). She saw faults in the British monarchy. Of course there has to be a counterargument in the evidence with the white Fiat Uno, the seatbelt allocations, and the accusations of Diana being pregnant. The exact car from the collision and its owner was said to never have been found after an eight month period. Something was up in the investigation if it took eight months to find the car. Jeffrey Steinberg in a documentary of Diana’s murder, states â€Å"I found it almost impossible to come up with some sort of a benign explanation of how and why this car and the driver and whatever other passengers were in the car could’ve disappeared from the face of the Earth for an eight month period without there being some kind of sinister aspect to that† (Gregory, Dispatches: The Accident). The car that was found belonged to a French photographer that had before taken photos of the princess but his car was eliminated from being the car that caused the crash due to an analysis. Thomas Sancton says in the documentary that the car â€Å"eliminated suspicion on the grounds that the paint, the chemical inspector graphics analysis of the paint proved that it did not correspond to the samples of paint that was founded on the road surface and Mercedes† (Gregory, Dispatches: The Accident). In a report, people who were close to Diana told the stories of how the princess was not a habitual seat belt wearer. Diana had to be otherwise no tampering with the seatbelts would have occurred. It would have been pointless and a waste of time to destroy them knowing that she did not put a seatbelt on anyway. Diana â€Å"was an avid seatbelt wearer†¦yes she would even put her seatbelt on when adorned in an elaborate ballroom gown† (Princess Diana 2007). To get away from the death being planned what was also said was that all the seatbelts were in working order apart from Diana’s which was damaged after the car crash. It can never be proven whether the princess was pregnant or not due to her body being embalmed before post-mortem was carried out and no pregnancy test was taken because there was no reason to one thought. Her body was embalmed by the French and it is said that the purpose of this was to conceal that she was pregnant† stated the coroner, Lord Justice Scott Baker to Haroon Siddique of the newspaper The Guardian. Lord Scott also said â€Å"no pregnancy test had been carried out on Diana at the hospital where she was taken that night because there appeared to be no reason to do so†. The coroner said Diana had been taking the contraceptive pill to ensure that she would not get pregnant. Tests taken after her death â€Å"show she was not pregnant and also testimony of close friends who say she had been on a period and that she did not want to get married at the point in her life† (Was the Princess of Wales Killed, 2007). In this case a pregnancy cannot be proved because of the ways the princess’ body was handled after her death. Diana, Princess of Wales being pregnant would have been the motive for her to be killed so any evidence or proof of this would have been destroyed or discredited. Whenever major life-changing historical event occurs throughout history, conspiracies were seldom far behind. A conspiracy is any combination of men for an evil purpose or an agreement between two or more persons to commit some crime in concert, to commit treason or excite sedition or insurrection against the life of someone. In the absence of a full confession, this can only be decided by a preponderance of evidence, and it would be silly to come to a conclusion on any matter without looking at all the evidence available. This is only common sense, just as it is safe to assume some degree of guilt or complicity on the part of anyone who lies about an event, or tries to hide, plant, or destroy any type of evidence. There is a certain negative undertone to the term conspiracy theory in todays society. It is pointed out that many conspiracy theories contain certain features that undermine their credibility. The term conspiracy theory is used in its neutral sense; using it to mean an alternative explanation for an event, as it is defined in the dictionary. In order to create a complete conspiracy theory, the conspiracy theorist has to create a set of story elements that explain everything that happened in the event. They must then find evidence to support the story elements. A conspiracy theorist must show evidence for an alternative story. In this case, the theorist must demonstrate explicit evidence for a controlled demolition. The word has to be put out about the other possibilities of the event that has occurred. That is when books come along, newspaper articles, blog posts, documentary films and videos, and websites begin to broadcast its view of what happened that is backed up with evidence. Then, as soon as conspiracy theories gain traction, a new phenomenon appears. People who believe the official story want to debunk the theorists. The debunkers have the same evidence-gathering and promotional tools at their disposal, and they put up resistance to conspiracy theories. People are found to help back up each sides statements trying to prove lies as facts. Some realities are proven through conspiracies and in order to make the realities extreme measures are taken. If things really do operate as efficiently as James Bond films lead watchers to believe, then there would be nothing to stop the people at the top from orchestrating the death of Diana, Princess of Wales and making it to appear as an accident. pic] This is the letter Diana wrote to her butler stating her fear of Prince Charles plotting to kill her. [pic] Works Cited Allen, Peter. Diana, Princess of Wales :: View Topic DIANA SEATBELT SABOTAGE PROBE.   Diana, Princess of Wales :: View Topic DIANA SEATBELT SABOTAGE PROBE. Princess-Diana. com PhpBB, 25 Apr. 2006. Web. 08 May 2013. Allen, Rayelan. The Uncensored National Rumor.   DIANA WAS NOT THE TARGET REDMAN. Rumor Mill News, 2001. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. B, B. K. Princess Diana. Rev. of  Princess Dianas Death. Weblog post. Death: The MI6 Connection! Blogger. com, 8 Aug. 2007. Web. 09 May 2013. Diana Bodyguard Rees-Jones Transcript Released. Interview by ABC News. Diana Bodyguard. About. com, n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. Diana Conspiracy: Was the Princess of Wales Killed by the British Royal Family and MI6? Web log post. HubPages. GlamSocial, n. d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. Diana, Princess of Wales: Did MI6 Kill the Princess?   LondonNet. London Net Ltd, n. d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Dispatches: The Accident Princess Diana Documentary 1998. † Dir. Martyn Gregory. Perf. Jeffrey Steinberg and Thomas Sancton. YouTube. YouTube, 24 Dec. 2012. Web. 09 May 2013. Mathuna, Sean Mac. The Traffic Camera at the Point DAlma. The Traffic Camera at the Point DAlma. Flame, Apr. 2000. Web. 01 May 2013. Princess Diana Biography.   Bio. com. AE Networks Television, n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. Princess Diana was Killed after Plan to Frighten Her Went Wrong' Service, Mail Foreign. Mail Online. Associated Newspaper Ltd, 12 Mar. 2010. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. Reid, Sue. Diana: The Unseen Evidence Which Has Been Mysteriously Ignored until Now. Mail Online. Associated Newspaper Ltd, 25 Sept. 2007. Web. 29 Apr. 2013. Ricci, Ignacio. Database for UK and Eire Paedophiles/child Abusers. Web log post. Database for UK and Eire Paedophileschild Abusers. Keep Them Safe, n. d. Web. 08 May 2013. Siddique, Haroon. Diana pregnancy Mystery May Never Be Solved.   The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 03 Oct. 2007. Web. 09 May 2013. Sparks, Ian. Diana Was Pregnant When She Died but Dodi Wa s Not the Father Claims French Journalist.   Mail Online. Cord Blood Banking, 23 Aug. 2007. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. The Murder of Diana, Princess of Wales. Interview by Paul Joseph Watson. The Murder of Diana, Princess of Wales. Propaganda Matrix, 6 May 2004. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. ZWright. Thoughts and Stuff: Who Killed Princess Diana? The Royal Family Did It?   Who Killed Princess Diana? The Royal Family Did It? (2013): n. pag. Thoughts and Stuff: Who Killed Princess Diana? The Royal Family Did It? 3 Feb. 2013.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Differences Between Aegean And Egyptian Art Essay Example For Students

The Differences Between Aegean And Egyptian Art Essay The differences between Aegean and Egyptian ArtThe primary difference between Egyptian and Aegean art is that statutory and other forms of arts became more descriptive of the human form in the Aegean Art. The paintings of people stood on a flat base rather than in a naturalistic space. More features were being expressed. More female statutory and sculptors were being produced. An example of the visual difference is in the predominance of curvilinear form and the dynamic movements of figure in space. Although in the Toreador Fresco three different human figures are represented, â€Å"their poses correspond to a sequence of movement that could be made by a single figure. Such depictions of time and sequencing are more characteristic of Minoan than of Egyptian iconography†(120). We will write a custom essay on The Differences Between Aegean And Egyptian Art specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The philosophical difference between Aegean art and Egyptian art is that Aegean focused upon the beauty of the art while Egyptian art was solely based upon keeping records and glorifying the kings, queens, and gods of their time. Aegean art glorified the human and focused on the beauties of the world. The Egyptian’s art was based on the reservation of the way of life and the rulers of the their time. They viewed art more as a record book. Throughout history the Aegean art made sufficient changes to get away from the Egyptian. This rare art and culture was remembered only in myths and legendsArts Essays

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Nullification

The tariff bill of 1816 was a sort of compromise between the conflicting interests. A high duty was advocated on all goods, which could unquestionably be produced in sufficient quantity in the United States. A bill was passed in which this classification of dutiable articles was adopted, but in which protection was admitted as an incidental feature only, and the raising of revenue made the predominant principle in calculating duties. With this compromise nobody was satisfied. New agitation at once began, and in 1820 a bill was passed by the House in favor of an openly protective system. The Senate rejected this bill. Yet the protectionists, who were steadily growing in power, would not let the question rest, while the North and the South became definitively divided on this measure, the latter losing its earlier division of sentiment and becoming decidedly in favor of low tariff. With this change in opinions and national questions came a change in parties. With the end of the war the old Federal party had virtually passed out of existence. The Republican party, which became overwhelmingly predominant, now split into two new parties, the Democratic and the National Republican (which later became known as the Whig party), between which the country was for many years afterwards divided. The tariff for a considerable period remained the leading political problem. The depression of industries which followed the era of high prices and prosperity after the war gave the protectionists a strong weapon, of which they did not fail to make active use. In 1824 the question again became prominent before Congress. The plantation States were now unanimous in their opposition to the tariff measure, yet it passed both Houses by small majorities. In 1828 a new revision of the tariff was made in favor of protection. The fight had now become bitter. The general growth of manufacturing interests throughout the North had given the protectionist... Free Essays on Nullification Free Essays on Nullification The tariff bill of 1816 was a sort of compromise between the conflicting interests. A high duty was advocated on all goods, which could unquestionably be produced in sufficient quantity in the United States. A bill was passed in which this classification of dutiable articles was adopted, but in which protection was admitted as an incidental feature only, and the raising of revenue made the predominant principle in calculating duties. With this compromise nobody was satisfied. New agitation at once began, and in 1820 a bill was passed by the House in favor of an openly protective system. The Senate rejected this bill. Yet the protectionists, who were steadily growing in power, would not let the question rest, while the North and the South became definitively divided on this measure, the latter losing its earlier division of sentiment and becoming decidedly in favor of low tariff. With this change in opinions and national questions came a change in parties. With the end of the war the old Federal party had virtually passed out of existence. The Republican party, which became overwhelmingly predominant, now split into two new parties, the Democratic and the National Republican (which later became known as the Whig party), between which the country was for many years afterwards divided. The tariff for a considerable period remained the leading political problem. The depression of industries which followed the era of high prices and prosperity after the war gave the protectionists a strong weapon, of which they did not fail to make active use. In 1824 the question again became prominent before Congress. The plantation States were now unanimous in their opposition to the tariff measure, yet it passed both Houses by small majorities. In 1828 a new revision of the tariff was made in favor of protection. The fight had now become bitter. The general growth of manufacturing interests throughout the North had given the protectionist...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Current macroeconomic situation in the U.S Essay - 1

Current macroeconomic situation in the U.S - Essay Example dy track, it won’t be until a couple of years later that the economy will be moving towards growth such that it would create jobs and resolve the ever increasing unemployment (Perlo, 2012). The recovery is expected but after two years, and this recovery will continue for a long period of time and even reinforce it eventually (Perlo, 2012). A critical view point to this whole situation is that the profits have been restored at the expense of social benefits and salaries, but it will eventually have an impact on investments resulting in an increase. When looking at the real estate, there has been no new housing construction. But when the up surging demand from family household is considered there is a good chance that there will be a boom in the real estate market in the near future. One should always be kept in mind when analyzing the current situation of the US that this is the recovery session after the financial crisis, so circumstances are definitely abnormal. As mentioned earlier, job creation is of paramount importance. According to an estimate, over 300,000 new jobs need to be created every month if a significant change is to be observed in the near future. The FOMC or the Federal Open Market Committee met in August 2012. The statement given in the form of press release suggests that â€Å"economic activity has continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months† (, quite an objective statement but it definitely tells why the word ‘moderately’ has been used here. The economic activity is not that helpful, the other factors have played a part in better results of the recent quarter. However, the economic activity is also not going wayward. Certain easy money policy tools have backfired for economy. For instance the total income factor (wage rates) has been declining because of the tools that have been used to handle the finances (Mauldin, 2012). After the financial crunch of 2008, the falling prices of homes have troubled the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Growing Paderno Business in the U.S Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Growing Paderno Business in the U.S - Case Study Example It can help them to reduce issues to do with personnel movement into and out of the US and legal and tax issues in the US. In addition, the combination of financial and technical attributes of the two firms will improve their competitive edge, which is a fundamental advantage in a market, which is as aggressive as the US. With several types of partnerships available to Paderno, entering into a joint venture with a US company will be a good choice. They can structure the JV in two ways; either contribute resources to the creation of a new entity that will be operated in collaboration, or enter a partnership agreement allowing the entity to be run as a partnership (Yan & Luo 45). The latter will be the best choice since it will allow them to leverage their Paderno brand, as they will one of the partners. Entering such an agreement will enable Paderno to decrease their dependency on the Canadian market. This will help them in reducing risks so that if their Canadian market share suffers , they have the US market to compensate (Glover & Wasserman 28). It will also help them to extend their target market by engaging a partner to market their products in the US market under the other company’s name, while also advertising the product as being a joint venture with Paderno Canada. ... In addition, selling their cookware solutions to a US company will enable them to introduce their high quality cookware and increase profit margins. The joint venture will not have any effect on Paderno’s strategy; instead, it will affect their operational performance. This sort of partnership will be one of convenience where they will cut costs by using the facilities of their partner, while also allowing their partner to use their expertise and licenses (Wolf 61). These arrangements are also for a fixed duration, which will allow Paderno to become established in the US before maybe buying out the name of their joint venture and going into business alone. This would improve Paderno’s competitive advantage in a manner that would not have been possible if they had gone into business alone in the US. If this arrangement becomes a major contributor to the future direction of Paderno, then they could even make it a long-term initiative. By creating a new entity with the US Company and maintaining their autonomy, they will be able to use the other company’s facilities and distribution, while also maintaining their brand name, although not on the product (Wolf 62). The joint venture will also allow Paderno to achieve the minimum size they need for them to operate in the US market. The company will minimize the inherent risks of entering into a foreign market in which they have little experience (Harrigan 32). In this case, they will meet the costs of entering the US market on a joint basis, particularly in the competitive US market. Paderno must, however, ensure that they company they chose for a joint venture has complementary objectives and interests, such as improving the quality of their products. Joint ventures are cost effective ways to further development

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Business Analyst vs. Financial Analyst Essay Example for Free

Business Analyst vs. Financial Analyst Essay Analyst is an essential job in our society. They make analyses to help people figure out problems, and point out a positive way to solve problems. Analysts almost apply in every different professional area, such as political analyst, military analyst, and economic analyst. They analysis all information with their professional knowledge, and then translate a certain language which everybody can understand easily. For example, social analyst can use their knowledge to analyze current social problems and provide a useful analysis to government or city hall. Then, people can understand what happen to their society. Therefore, analyst is a necessary job for our society. For business corporations and companies, there are two important analysts for them. They are business and financial analysts. Many people, including employers and employees, dont know what these two analysts are exactly, and what different between them. However, they do exist, and they do help a corporation or company become more efficient and profitable. In other words, they play important roles in business activities. In general term, business and financial analysts have different definition for their position, different working area, and different training path, but they have the same goalto help users have better business condition. According to Julia Scholz, who is a successful business analyst, she said a business analyst is like a road trip planner, helping people plan their map and route (P.1). She says, a BA will help a user determine their wants, focus on a destination or desired outcome, outline possible maps of how to get there (P.1). Simply, business analyst is a communicator or translator to translate what employer wants to their employee. They gather all information from boss, employee, and outside world, and plan an efficient way to achieve their goal. It is not easy to be a good business analyst. Scholz lists some steps that her term and she do everyday to help successful project: 1.Listen to the users: the most important task for business analyst is find  out users demand. What do users desire for? What kind of outcome do they ask for? In what way they hope to achieve their goal? And some suggestion to their employee to improve whole companys operation. These things are important for business analyst making analysis. 2.Document: when a business analyst listens to their users, they need to record and write down all they get from users. They may use computer or recorder to record users words. Then when analysts do analysis, they can use this information quickly and easily. 3.Gather information: a good analyst also needs to do some outside research to determine all possible ways to achieve goal. They need to know current business situation and economic trend because outside activities would affect their analysis and strategy. 4.Translate and analyze: it is the key part for a BA. According to Scholz, a good analyst should be able to listen to the users, analyze their requests, document the requests and then communicate these requests to the development group in a way that the development group can understand (P.3). Most employers dont have chance to speak to employees directly. So the business analyst plays a channel to communicate both employers and employees, and to coordinate both side to achieve final goal. So the job of business analysts is not only making analysis but also communicating requests to each side. In conclusion, Scholz states that, BA is like a translator, able to communication in a users language and a developers language (P.3). So a business analyst should have good communication skill in order to translate users requests to developing department. A BA also may be involved in these area: Data Warehouse, E-Commerce Development, New application Development, New Business Development, Software Package Selection, Software Package Customization, Business Process Improvement (B2Ttraining program P.1). A BA needs to have certain knowledge of these areas to be able analyze all business event and situation. Financial analysts are very similar to business analysts. Financial analysts  also need to gather information and makes analysis. They also help a corporation or company makes more benefits and profits. However, financial analysts work in different aspect and way to achieve users goal. Generally speaking, their goal is to maximize the value of the company. They are just like a doctor. They examine the whole financial condition of a corporation or company, and figure out the virus (bad strategy or financial policy). Then making a good description to improve bad things (making better financial condition). The information that a financial analyst needs to know is like: working capital, account payable turnover, and EPS. A FA needs to know the potential of a company and forecasts the financial needs of the company. In advance, FA can make a correct financial plan to the company. Compare to business analysts, financial analysts consider more about the value of company stock. So when they make financial analysis, they will put market value and stock price at the first place. Financial analysts also require communication and computer skill. They sometimes need to present their analysis in front of the chiefs of all departments, and they also need to operate some accounting software to figure out the value of the company. Totally, the job of financial analysts is to examine the financial system of the company, analyze both good and bad side, gather outside financial situation, and make a forecasting financial plan. Similar to business analysts, they try to help a company operate more efficient and profitable. In fact, business and financial analysts are very similar. They both gather information from inside and outside the company. They both make analysis form the information, and help users to improve users business condition or business competence. They both use computer to help them achieve their tasks. However, they have different aspects to make their analysis. One is emphasizes on whole system of the company and plan a good road to achieve users requests; another is emphasizes on the financial condition of the company and make forecasting financial plan. Generally, they have different ways but the same goal. Reference: 1.Scholz, Julia. What do you analyze? One Analysts View 2001/10/10 2.B2T training. What is a Business Analyst? 2001/10/10. 3.Ross, Stephen A. Fundamentals of Corporate Financial. Toronto: McGraw_hill Ryerson 1999. P. 8-10.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Examining The De Escalation Of Violence Nursing Workplace Nursing Essay

Examining The De Escalation Of Violence Nursing Workplace Nursing Essay In the United States there are 1.7 million incidents each year where workplace violence has taken place (Mattingly, 1994-2011). Twelve percent of the incident involved a healthcare worker or a mental health worker (Mattingly, 1994-2011). In the Midwest sixty seven percent of nurses have been physically assaulted at least once within six months (Mattingly, 1994-2011). For the longest time they have been using only chemical restraints and seclusion and restraints as an intervention for dealing with agitated patients (Mattingly, 1994-2011). This has been an intervention used by healthcare workers for a long time. They use this method to deal with aggressive agitated patients in both the emergency room and the psychiatric hospitals (Mattingly, 1994-2011). A new method that has been introduced is de-escalation. According to International Journal of Mental Health Nursing the definition of de-escalation is the gradual resolution of a potentially violent and or an aggressive situation throug h the use of verbal and physical expression of empathy, alliance and non-confrontational limit setting that is based on respect (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Most health care workers do not have the skills needed to care for the mentally ill population. This paper will discuss: what causes this problem; what is the nurse role in caring for the patient; other alternatives and the outcomes and how a nurse would use these interventions in practice . There are several factors that cause healthcare providers to face difficulties while dealing with aggressive and mentally ill patients. Nowadays they have been working under limited conditions (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). These units lack teamwork, leadership and they are much very unorganized (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Hospital units are overcrowded. In many regions, in order to get a bed in the psychiatric hospital, patients have to wait in the emergency room until a bed becomes available (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). This ends in an overcrowded emergency room, low staffing ratio, the nurse is unable to exercise patience, and the patient is becoming increasingly agitated because they are confined to a bed in a little corner of an emergency room (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Hospitals are not taking the time to properly train these healthcare providers that are caring for this group (Cowen, Davies, Est all, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). They are also unorganized when it comes to delegating functions and roles to the staff (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). In a crisis situation when a patient is agitated, if functions and roles are delegated everyone would be able to know what part they will partake in the situation (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Without this training the healthcare provider tends to lack the confidence in caring and dealing with these patients (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). There are interventions to take when it comes to de-escalating a patient. The role of the nurse is to recognize the warning signs (Townsend, 2006). People do not just start off escalated. It starts off with small stages. The patient may become anxious. This may be a sign of impeding danger or threat that the patient faces discomfort (Townsend, 2006). They may start pacing, which is a back and forward movement (Townsend, 2006). Patients usually pace as a way to deal with stress or anxiety. They might exhibit excessive body movements which include: tremors, non-purposeful movements and shaking (Townsend, 2006). They also increase the volume and tempo of their voice, and their facial expression (Townsend, 2006). Recognizing these signs can help eliminate an escalating situation (Townsend, 2006) (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Special skills are needed when it comes to de-escalating a patient. The most important intervention is to ensure safety(Townsend, 2006). Make sure the patient and the other patients are safe on the unit (Townsend, 2006). To ensure safety, remove the patient from the environment (Townsend, 2006). If that is not possible, remove the other patients from the environment (Townsend, 2006). Remove any potentially dangerous items from the area immediately (Townsend, 2006). Remove any staff that might be agitating the patient. Identify and remove stressors and remove them from them from the vicinity. The main goal in this situation is to reduce the stimuli (Townsend, 2006). Healthcare providers will need to learn how to communicate with the patient. Communicating with the patient will involve verbal skills, which is called verbal de-escalation and nonverbal skills. The definition of verbal de-escalation is a complex therapeutic interactive process in that it is the act of talking to the patient and decreasing the patient from disturbed and excitability (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). The key to verbal de-escalation is knowing how to talk to an individual to calm them down. When de-escalating a situation make sure open ended questions are asked and open ended statements are made (Townsend, 2006). This will allow the patient the opportunity to express themselves and tell the healthcare provider what is wrong (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Make sure you find a calm space for the patient (Townsend, 2006). This will reduce the stimuli. Always avoid confrontation and judgmental comments to the patient. When talking to the patient give the patient your undivided attention (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Giving someone undivided attention involves facing them directly and giving them direct eye contact (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Speak in a calm tone. Make your presence is known by introducing yourself and your title. Your posture should be relaxed and comfortable (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). A defensive stance like arms around the waist or the hands are not visible can send a threating message to the patient (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Make sure statements will be reiterated to let the patient know that you were actively listening to them (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). This will help clarify unclear information. The healthcare provider should be compassionate. At the same time they should be firm. They should not make promises or challenges. Keep statements clear and concise(Townsend, 2006). Lengthy and complex statements are avoided because the patient is mostly focused on one thing at a time (Townsend, 2006). It is also important to identify two types of escalated patients (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). Always keep in mind that some patients will try to gain control of the situation (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). They will try to be manipulative (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). It is the duty of the healthcare provider to allow the patient to take responsibility for their own actions and to regain control of themselves or the situation (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). In any situation, the most common solution to any problem is respect. Showing respect to anyone goes a long way. There are other alternative interventions that are used other than de-escalation: medication, seclusion and restraints. Medication is also considered to some people as a chemical restraint. Some healthcare providers use it as way to control and restrain a patients behavior (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). The patient does not have any control over their body. A chemical restraint contains Haldol a typical antipsychotic and Ativan a benzodiazepine (Mattingly, 1994-2011). This shot has been known to put a patient down for several hours. Patients have to be monitored very closely to ensure safety and to detect the adverse effects that are involved with the typical antipsychotic medication (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). Anti-psychotics block dopamine receptors in the body (Unbound Medicine, 2000-2011). It mainly works on the positive symptoms that patients are affected by (Townsend, 2006). The side effects of typical antipsychotics can be anything from seizures, blurred vision, respiratory depression, c onstipation, dry mouth, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, tardative dyskinesia (Unbound Medicine, 2000-2011). They are called extrapyramidal symptoms. While the patient is on this medication the nurse needs to monitor the patients vital signs, assess the mental status of the patient, assess for positive and negative symptoms, and assess intake and output to monitor bowel and bladder function (Unbound Medicine, 2000-2011). Monitor the patients laboratory reports, mainly the complete blood count with differential and liver function tests (Unbound Medicine, 2000-2011). These should be monitored during drug therapy (Unbound Medicine, 2000-2011). Benzodiazopines depresses the CNS and increases GABA in the body (Unbound Medicine, 2000-2011). This drug puts patients at risk for psychological and physiological dependence (Mattingly, 1994-2011). Seclusion and Restraint is another alternative way to control a patient. It is also known as timeout (Townsend, 2006). It is supposed to be used as a tool to guarantee safety to both staff and the patient involved. It has proven to cause more harm physically and psychologically to the patient (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). These are intended to be used as a last resort for patients that are posing harm to themselves or others (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). The procedure taken to administer this means of safety can be very risky (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). Staff and patients tend to become injured as a result of this procedure (Bigwood Crowe, 2008). Although at times nurses cannot avoid seclusion and restraints they need to administer them with care and compassion. That would include making sure that the patients basic needs are met. Have the patient stay in seclusion and restraints for a very limited time, at least until the patient has calmed down and can guarantee safety (Townsend, 2006). Again the nurse should monitor the vital signs, nutritional status, mental status when the patient is restrained (Townsend, 2006). Applying de-escalation to nursing practice will decrease the amount of injuries in mental health hospitals and emergency room (Cowen, Davies, Estall, Berlin, Fitzgerald, Hoot, 2003). This will provide the nurse with the confidence in dealing with the mentally ill population. Patients needs will be able to be met more efficiently, because the nurse will be educated on how to care for them and how to communicate with the patient. In practice, a nurse will treat mentally ill patients like any other type of person in society. This will consist of treating the patients with respect and ensure them with safety. The main thing to remember is that a nurse can never go wrong with taking the time to assess their patient. It will paint a picture of what is going on with a patient. With that, a nurse will be able to notice the early warning signs of an agitated patient. By doing so, their needs will be addressed. The patient may request medication or the patient may just be hungry. Nurses should continue to take classes to learn a lot more communication techniques on how to communicate with these particular types of patients. Giving them undivided attention and showing them that they are cared for as a patient, will ensure and verify that nurses has a lot of compassion in what they do. My passion is taking care of the mentally ill.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

“The structure of business management and organization”

Modern business requires modern management and this means well trained managers. Even today, most people undertake their first management position with little or no formal training.   As a result, they adopt the styles by themselves were managed.   Too often this perpetuates poor or discredited management techniques which have no place in today’s world. With few exceptions, the majority of managers find the most difficult aspect of their job is the management of people, who after all the most important resource of any organization. A form of management began when man first employed others to work for him.   In those early days, the relationship between employer and employee was   master and servant or landlord and serf.   Workers were treated as chattels and motivation was based on the simple principle â€Å" if you don’t work, you don’t eat†.   Some people seem to believe that things have changed little change. Managing modern organization, it requires a completely different set of skills, one of the common myths is that the manager, should be the best exponent of the craft skills with in the organization.   In theory, a good manager should be able to manage any department with in an organization with the minimum of adaptation.   What makes a good manager?   A good manager is one whose staff works with him rather than for him. Can anyone become a manager?   In theory, yes in practice no.   many people are unable or unwilling to adopt to the need of management.   People are usually promoted because they are good at their present job, they have been with the company for a long time, their age gives them seniority, they know the right people, and they happen to be in the right place at the right time. Rarely they are promoted because they will make good managers. As with most activities in life, you won’t know how good you are until you really try it.     Management is no different so you should learn how to do it before taking such a major career step.   Every manager has responsibilities towards him or herself, their team, the individual within the team, the company and task in hand.   This includes motivating staff to perform to the best of their abilities and to prevent demotivation, delegating task, to plan and to control the activities within their domain to ensure that objectives are meet. To take decisions and of course managing problems, not to solve them all, but to help the team reach acceptable solutions.   Effective manager, initiate and encourage ideas from the subordinates and developed the team.   Considering the resources in management group,   Ã‚  the people, acknowledging their different needs, attitudes, abilities and personalities.   These are not constant and can change from day to day, but a good and a modern   manager in a modern organization can maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses. Time – the most democratic of the resources.   Every one has 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, etc.   It is how this time is used that determines managerial effectiveness. Space- this is expensive and many work places suffer from alack of it.   However, much can be made of the space available to improve the working condition /environment   and peoples behavior. Finance- all managers involved with budgets and expenditure to some degree.   Trainings specifically designed to deal with finance for non-financial managers are available. Equipment – including desk, telephones, photocopiers and personal computers.   You should ensure that your team have sufficient for their needs, while bearing in mind that idle equipment is a non-productive cost. Information- ensure that all information received is given the right priority and used as appropriate to help the team. Their utilization will affect the team and the individuals within the team, so managing these resources effectively is vital. After understanding manager’s role and of course before trying to manage other, it is vital to know how to manage yourself.   I f you are seen to be disorganized, easily pressured, blinkered in your views, unmotivated, and subject to swift changes of mood, you will not win the respect and credibility of your staff. â€Å"Healthy self-criticism and an abiding willingness to learn seem to me to be the most important requirements of any manager† HRH Prince Philip. Self management is not about the amount of time you spend in an activity, but about what you do during that time.   His quality that counts, not quantity.   Time is very easily wasted but impossible to regain.   Time spent on non-management activity is not necessarily unproductive time.   But could the time have been between use elsewhere?   It is very important also to learn and control emotions at work   Highly emotional people are often labeled as unstable, untrust worthy and weak.   None of these are traits associated with good management. Communicating people in modern organization is very important Good verbal communicating is a two-way process, the speaker gives the listeners the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about what has been said in order to clarify and query the statement. The objectives is to transmit a message so that it is understood by the listeners.   The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication and clear communication is necessary to management success. Understanding how people are motivated an organization is a task and action that require into a staff to undertake.   In order to be able to motivate them to do so, you must know and understand the needs of each member of the team.   Because of the parameters in which you operate, you may be unable to satisfy the surface needs as money or promotion. Therefore, you have to look for the subconscious needs that these represent and try to satisfy the person concerned by other means such as the need of recognition, we all need to be recognized by others for what we are.   Second, the need for respect, it is our bright right to be accepted and respected as an individual person or to the worker.   Third, the need for responsibility, by having a task, however small, for which they are totally responsible and accountable, this is best achieved by delegation.   Fourth, the need for reward, not necessarily in the form of money, prizes or time off.   So often, this can be satisfied by a simple but genuine word of praise. Learning to delegate is another task inside the management.   Good delegation will give many benefits to the subordinates, a valuable development, motivation, a sense of responsibility for the staff, involvement and of course improve teamwork.   This will take some of your management time to set up but once operating it, is simple to update and will provide with a very useful management tool. Most people work in modern organization, groups, whether it be an office, a laboratory, a hospital, the factory floor or a theatre, in order that they can achieve their respective objectives, therefore, they must work as a team to build and lead.   It is equally important that all work groups operate or not a group becomes a team depends on how they are lead.   Considering this, analyzing a successful team, identifying team roles, understanding leadership qualities and styles, and managing â€Å"difficult† people is part of building an effective team. Building a successful team can be a slow process and requires patience and perseverance on our part.   If things do not work the first time, don’t blame the team, try again- you will get it together eventually. â€Å" ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL†. The most important, and be reminded that our life is full of decisions making, every day we make decisions, these decisions affect only ourselves or our families and many of them are made on experience.   All decisions contain a degree of uncertainty, otherwise there would be no decisions make.   To help overcome these uncertainties, we can apply the following steps: a.)Define the aim- clarify the reasons and objectives. b.)Collect the facts- obtain as much information as possible, relevant to the decision. c.)Examine the options- study a number of possible options, don’t rely sole on past experience. d.)Consider the outcome- look at the risk factor of each option and the consequences of a wrong decisions. e.)Select the best option- decide upon the option with the lowest risk factor which will still meet the aim. f.)Do it- once a decision has been reached, put it into action, don’t procrastinate. g.)Evaluate the decision- to proved to be right or wrong. Managers continually face assessing management problems in two distinctive categories; those related to work itself and those related to people.   Whilst the objective in both cases is to solve the problem, they are tackled in quite different ways.   When confronted with a problem, the first question to ask yourself is â€Å"Is this my problem? If not, then should you really be trying to solve it?   However, should the problem be yours and you are the best person to find a solution, make sure that you understand exactly what the problem is.   Much time and effort is spent in business trying to solve the wrong problem. Addressing work problems is also important, these can be short, medium or long term.   Some are simple, others more complex.   Many work-related problems can be solved by you alone, while others are better served by involving different people.   Whatever the problem, it is good practice to have a clearly defined method of handling it.   Taking a systematic approach, a series of steps that need to be taken and questions that require answers before attempting to find a solution.   This will be follow; analyze, plan, execute and   evaluate.   Time is democratic, we all have the same amount.   It is what we do with it that really counts. Time ticks by relentlessly.   It is very easy to waste but impossible to regain.   The only way in which we can save time by doing something more quickly or by not doing it at all.   There is ‘working’   time and ‘social’ time.   If we add to one we automatically take from the other.   The art is to maintain a sound balance between the two.   As a manager, you need to manage your time carefully, so that we can maximize its use and do not encroach upon your ‘social’ time. Before trying to manage your time effectively, we need to analyze how you spend it at present. So, time organizing to be applied.   List those activities that you do during the course of a normal week.   For example, paperwork, telephoning, attending meetings, dealing with people, traveling and so on.   Estimate the number of hours you spend on each activity.   Time allocation, to ensure that you deal with all of your tasks on time, it is essential to plan how you will use your time effectively. Your last job each day should be to list everything that you have to do the next day.   To innovate is to â€Å" make changes†, to introduce ‘new things’.   However, many people find it very hard to come up with new ideas, particularly to order, this is managing innovation.   Generating new ideas often occur when we are doing something quite unconnected with the problem, such as driving the car, walking the dog or watching television. However, part of the management time should be devoted to innovation, to help generating new ideas, explore all approaches without evaluation, switch from problem to problem, allowing mind to wander over alternative and apparently irrelevant ways of looking at the situation and write down ideas and thoughts.   Managing different types of interviews, an interview is a meeting of people, tow or more, face to face, to accomplish a certain known purpose’.   In reality, an interview should be confined to two persons. Good interviewing prepare by obtaining as much information as possible before the interview, ensure privacy, emphasize confidentiality, ask appropriate questions, listen carefully, observe the interviewee’s body language, use counseling techniques to discover the core problem and encourage the interviewees to reach their own solution. People have first to decide that they want to change, then they must be encouraged not to be afraid of change and finally they must be able to see where change is leading them.   Understanding and managing change, changes to an organization are caused by both internal and external factors.   Many of these changes are unpredictable and, whatever, the causes or circumstances, invariably involve people. The way in which people react to change will depend on how the change is presented to them and how they perceive it will affect them.   The causes of change can be divided into two types, those over which as a manager have no influence and those over which you do.   In the first group are changes which will affect the whole company, such as relocation or a change in company policy.   These are often due to external factors such as the economy, environment or the law.   Changes which you can influence are normally those which will mainly affect only your and your staff. Managing stress at work, one of the main reasons why people are stressed at work is their boss and the way they are managed.   There is one way for an executive to manage stress.   He must stop taking for granted success at home, and begin giving as much priority in terms of time and energy to achieving success there as he does to his job.   Understanding the causes of stress, the most common causes of stress have their origins outside the workplace. A few years ago a list of activities which can cause stress was complied by psychologists.   It is based on a scale of 0-100.   The higher the value, the greater the stress.   Both positive and negative events can cause stress.   It is interesting to note that of 34 activities listed over, only seven are directly work related and the highest two of those will have a direct effect on your domestic life.   Although management as a profession only has a stress rating of 5.8, some managers seem to spend their time trying to push it as far up the scale as possible. People who experience domestic pressures often immerse themselves in their work in an attempt to forget these problems.   However, the problems are still there when they return home, so they will work longer hours in order to delay having to go home.   These increased absences result in still more stress on the domestic front.   It is a vicious circle.   Other stressful factors are; too much work, giving few opportunities to plan or priorities.   To mo little work, boredom and a sense of being under-valued and ignored. Isolation, most people need human contact and those who work alone can be stressed by a lack of communication.   Routine work, not being stretched or challenged.   Poor supervision, unable to become involved or use creative abilities.   No clear promotional structure, frustration.   Environment,   working in cramped conditions, seating arrangements, open plan office, too much noise.   Managing in a changing work place is also included in managing the modern organization. With this, abilities and skills of being a manager, managing in a modern organization, it has become fashionable for companies to adopt a flatter organizational structure.   This is achieved by ripping out the middle management stratum and replacing it with working manager’s at supervisory level.   These people are expected to continue with their specialist role, be it operating a lathe, selling products or repairing computers, and at the same time manage a team.   Although this means that people are promoted who may not have expected to be, it also result in a wider gap between the workforce and senior management. Whilst it is acknowledged that a proportion of those managers who have lost their jobs may have been poor managers, did they receive adequate, or indeed any, management training?   It is to be hoped that senior executives will quickly realize the benefits to their companies of having good, well qualified managers and reverse this trend before causing further damage to the morale of the employees. References : Managing Trough People, by John Humphries, Published by Grolier Business Library International, Inc. printed in 2003. Business Organization and Management edited by H. Guitierrez, Jose M. Pura Jr., Rolando M. Garcia sixth edition, R.M Garcia Publishing House, Quezon City Philippines.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Significant Life Event

I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the syllabus and the sections in the Student Bulletin relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University. Significant Life Event One event in which all involved parties can still laugh about and I believed had brought a significant change to me, and affect me still today. My closest bond I have today it is my relationship with my mother. While our mother-daughter bond has been a blessing we have had the highs and lows of love. There were times when it has been joy and moments which can only be described as maneuvering through a minefield. Most females can relate to this journey through in life. In this relationship, hearts can be broken, feelings can be hurt, and the best intentions can turn a mistake into resentment. With patience and lots of love a mother and daughter can be develop a friendship and a trusting bond strengthened for a lifetime. I can now say as I look back we made a turning point when I was eighteen years old. I had just married my high school sweetheart and the father of my child and had been still living at home with my mother. We are both the oldest child oldest in our family and hence were the example for the younger siblings. We both had plans to make something of our life. We both grew up in an urban area where a teenage pregnancy usually ended a person’s dreams for a better environment. We had considered ourselves adults because we now had a child of our own. But this is hindsight; we thought we had all the answers. My first love and father of child, Robert decided he would enlist in the military and I would finish high school. When he completed boot camp and all the other required training the military deemed for him, his first duty station was thousands of miles away from home. No one could tell me anything about child rearing or the decisions I had made regarding my life. I did not appreciate the help I was receiving from his and my family. With Robert enlisting in the military, we relocated from everyone to start a new life together. By the grace of God his first duty station after boot camp was Hawaii. Most people image Hawaii as paradise on earth, almost anyone including me, at least that was what thought at first. Needless to say when time came near for me to leave I could not wait to get away from my mother’s rules and meddling interfering. My mother and I had differences of opinions on everything, even on the way to the airport until I got on the plane. Once I got to Hawaii to begin my new life, I remember not speaking to her for while except to let her know we made it there safely and besides this was actually a honeymoon for my husband and me. On the day we married he left and I did see him again for five months and we had some cuddling time to make up. Let me tell you once the honeymoon was over and we settled into married life I suddenly realized I was alone with a man who had a life, a job and friends. After I had done all the sight-seeking, daytime television watching, and culture adjustment. I suddenly realized I was home sick and missed my mother. All I had was a two-year-old child that took the word terrible two to another level. The long distant phone calls began and I would call her for the littlest things, from how to cook this recipe, to what are you doing, how to budget and make ends meet, what happened at the last family party or get together and don’t forget to send me pictures of what was going on at home. It hit me that my mother actually knew best, she had the answers from how handle a terrible two year old, why men are the way they are, to why my hair was falling out and skin breaking out. I was miserable with the life we had built and I could blame no one, not even my mother like as I had done so many times before. She was not around and could be blamed for this mess, but she was available by phone and we she would help me figure out what I needed to do to make this work. She suggested that I find something to do with my time, maybe get job, go to school or be more open to social life. I had alienated myself physically from everybody except a husband and a two-year-old child. As time past I adjusted to the island life and developed friendships. A funny thing happened that me, my mother and ex-husband laughs about still today. The situation, reminds me, how much my mother really missed me and how strong our love is. Without our knowledge our home phone was not working properly. We were able to call out but not able to receive incoming calls. This fact was brought to our attention when the military police knock at our door. In my mind at the time a very big official military police officer was looking for my husband. Once he was identified they were inquiring about my where about. The officer said â€Å"His mother-in-law had not heard from her daughter in about a week. † It hit me that my mother had not gone more than a couple days with out hearing from me. Since then my husband was sure we make regular calls home to my mother so the law would not be knocking on our door looking for him. I have a much better appreciation of this relationship with the fact that I now have a grown daughter. I learned later in life the hard way that what comes around goes around. I had my own separation event with my daughter when she moved away for college. But that is another significant life event in its self.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Haley Daividson (Strategy) Essays - Harley-Davidson, Arthur Davidson

Haley Daividson (Strategy) Essays - Harley-Davidson, Arthur Davidson Haley Daividson (Strategy) 1. William Harley and Arthur Davidson wanted to take the work out of riding bicycles in 1901. After being joined by the Arthur brothers, Walter and William, they came up with the idea of putting a motor and a bicycle together. Many engine changes were made before the builders were satisfied. In 1903, they created the first Harley-Davidson motorcycle and produced three that year. Harley built its first building in 1907 on Juneau Avenue in Milwaukee. That same year, 150 motorcycles were produced. As they were used for recreational purposes, they were also used in military situations. They proved useful in border skirmishes and the government called for 20,000 bikes to be shipped overseas. Following the war, other companies tried to enter the market, but Harley remained the largest. The depression had an unfavorable effect on Harley as it did with most corporations, but it outlasted the crisis and celebrated its fiftieth year in 1953 as the sole survivor in the motorcycle industry. Harl ey did turn public in 1965, but was bought by thirteen senior Harley-Davidson executives in 1981. It was returned to public ownership in 1986 by offering two million shares of common stock. It was approved by the New York Stock exchange in 1987 and has been there ever since. 2. A company with the history of Harley-Davidson has few weaknesses and threats, but a SWOT analysis can help them turn them into favorable opportunities and strengths. Strengths- Customer loyalty is probably the number one strength of Harley's business. Once a person buys a Harley, it seems as though they become trapped in the entire Harley business. Once they buy a Harley, they usually never buy another brand of motorcycle. Along with the bike comes the apparel. Once a person purchases a bike, the jacket, bandanas, etc. become a must. Opportunity- For Harley is that the economy is at a place where people will go out and purchase a motorcycle for recreational purposes. Whether the economy is good or not, is a place where they may thrive. When the economy is not doing as well, people may look at a motorcycle as a more economical way to travel so Harley can do well in both situations. Weaknesses- Large numbers of products being produced can make for many errors. When there is such a demand to produce many of one type of product, there can be many mistakes that may be let go. The biker image can also be a weakness. Many people may stray away from purc hasing a motorcycle for fear that they will be placed in a certain category by society. Threats- The business of building a motorcycle can be profitable because it is not an expensive product to make, but can be sold at the same price as a car. This may draw many competitors into the business, perhaps other car producing companies who already may have a following of their own. 3. Financial Analysis 98 97 Asset Turnover 2,063,956 1,762,569 1,920,000 1,598,901 $1.07 $1.10 Current Ratio 844,963 704,021 468,515 361,688 1.8 times 1.94 times Total Debt to 890,298 772,233 Total Assets 1,920,209 1,598,901 46% 48% Asset Turnover is favorable because it states that for every dollar that Harley puts into their company they are making back that money and more. Current Ratio states that Harley is able to pay off their short run debt without any problems. This is favorable. Total debt to total asset is favorable because most companies receive much of their assets through loans and they are in debt more than they need to be, but Harley keeps that figure under 50%. 4. My first recommendation is to the problem they are having with the biker image combined with the strength of their history as a top company. To get society to veer away from this image, perhaps the company should participate in charity work, community service, etc. They should use not only employees, but also perhaps some of their top customers. The loyalty most of their customers have may benefit them where they may take time to help the image of Harley. If small prizes like merchandise, helmets, and discounts were offered to customers for helping the company, they may be able to draw those same bikers into helping in the community to help

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Latin Jazz Ensemble essays

Latin Jazz Ensemble essays What do you know about Latin jazz? Latin jazz is the general term given to music that combines rhythms from African and Latin American countries with jazz harmonies from the United States. The two main categories of Latin Jazz are Brazilian, which included bossa nova and samba, and Afro-Cuban, which included salsa, merengue, songo, son, mambo, and cha cha cha. What made Latin jazz possbile? First, lets talk about the Latin jazz group, who made the jazz music exist long ago. Latin jazz group was a group who made up of a guitarist, vocalist, pianist, drummer, percussions In order to understand what I have learned about Latin Jazz in Music 103 class, I have to experience and listen to Latin jazz at a school-sponsored Latin Jazz Ensemble concert, which was held in the Philips Hall Theatre, on Saturday, May 1, 2004. There were about 5 people who were still standing in line to buy the last-minute ticket. I gave my ticket to the lady standing in front of the theatres entrance for her to tear off the tickets stub. After tearing off the stub, the lady showed me the program on the table near the entrance, which introduced the concerts details such as which song they were going to play, and who were performing it. I got one of them and went inside the theatre to find a good place to observe and listen to the concert. First, I chose a seat near the center, but when I saw two of my friends about couple rows in front of me, I decided to move my seat. I hate going to a concert alone. There were not many people nor my classmates in the theatre because mos t of them attended the Big Bad Meets Vocal Jazz concert, which was held on Friday, April 30, 2004. ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

PRODUCTION IN THE WORK PLACE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

PRODUCTION IN THE WORK PLACE - Research Paper Example In recognition of this commitment, we will strive to deliver high quality, cost-effective health care in the communities that we serve. The resources and research of Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) back us. HCA is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the country. Elevator Speech Each person has their own strengths and attributes that they can apply in the workplace to ensure attainment of organization’s goals and objectives. I believe if these are applied in the workplace they can greatly enhance productivity. Personally, I am a hard worker, a self starter and detailed oriented person, and with this I can impact positively on the productivity of the organization. In addition, I am flexible and highly adaptable to change regarding new initiatives or processes, and I enjoy leading such change with positive encouragement. It is always my pleasure to watch new operations in the organization gain acceptance and become successful, which also provides me fulfillment. I am also a smart, trustworthy and supportive individual who understand the importance of change. Furthermore, I have experience with multiple softwares such as hpf, meditech, artive among others. Hence, I believe with my personal attributes and strengths, interest in healthcare, as well as experience, I will make a valuable contribution to the productivity of this organization. ... A productive and committed workforce will drive the organization towards attaining its short term and long-term goals more effectively notwithstanding the various social and economic challenges facing the organization (Bulger & Reiser, 2009). Healthcare organizations must use the available resources wisely and efficiently to produce value quickly during tough times when the organization operates on tight budget. Sometimes the organization might resort to cut the labor costs to enable it gather extra funds to carry out other essential tasks aimed to improve quality of services. One of the greatest challenges facing contemporary healthcare organizations in their attempt to improve delivery of services is ways of managing the efficiently. For a team of healthcare personnel, key insights along with business intelligence innovation would yield substantial value in the short term (Bulger & Reiser, 2009). However, the team should also focus on mechanism and criteria that would help realize the long-term projections amid array of challenges. Apparently, the healthcare facility is particularly facing the challenge of managing the workforce that has always shown commitment to maintain patient volume ratio as well as caregiver hours. Similarly, the organization must maintain its focus of attaining labor costs. Nevertheless, the anticipated change in labor costs should not result to loss of morale and motivation to a hardworking labor force (Bulger & Reiser, 2009). Incidentally, many of the healthcare professionals will obviously feel demoralized by attempts to slash their wages and salaries following the drive to reduce labor expenses. The organization should largely focus on cutting expenditures on less productive labor, as well as activities that add little value to