Wednesday, May 6, 2020

English Language and Linguistics Google Book N-gram Viewer

Question: Discuss about theEnglish Language and Linguisticsfor Google Book N-gram Viewer. Answer: Google Book N-gram Viewer N-gram Viewer of the Google books helps us to visualize and find out how phrases and words have developed. It gives us an insight of how it has been used over the time with the help of the print books google has scanned with the help of various libraries located all around the world. The Ngram viewer has developed research tools for lexicographers, linguists, historians, and others and has proven to be a useful tool. In the first 22 months of this advent, the users have created more than 40 million graphs (Michel et al., 2010). N-Gram Screenshot I had searched for three terms which have come since the advent of the civilizations God, Faith Religion. We humans are embroiled from the beginning and engulfed with these three words. People can go to any extent to preserve the sanity of his/her religion, they can do anything if they have faith in something and can cross any obstacle by just chanting the name of his/her God (Johnson, 2007). Thus it is quite interesting to know what lead to the advent of these three words. What was the exact belief behind these? Who started it? And what were their intentions? I searched for these three terms from the 1800 A.D. to 2000 A.D. and the N-gram graph gave a fascinating answer. According to N-gram the word "God" there was there in plenty. This means the people were well accustomed to God and thus the presence can be found in such high numbers. On the other aspect, faith and religion are very close to each other since the beginning. However "religion" did have some upper hand over "faith" but as the time passed them seemed to be roughly balanced. Thus, with time the names faith and religion were taken hand in hand which still exists this day (Johnson, 2007). References Johnson, S. (2007). Faith, Facts and Fidelity: H. Richard Niebuhrs Anonymous God.Implicit Religion,10(1). Michel, J., Shen, Y., Aiden, A., Veres, A., Gray, M., Pickett, J. et al. (2010). Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books.Science,331(6014), 176-182.

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