Thursday, February 6, 2020

Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 Research Paper

Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 - Research Paper Example It will identify the military tactics used by both sides and comment on the outcome of the conflict. Finally it will analyze the consequences of the military conflict. Causes Italy had been a latecomer in the scramble for colonies as compared with other European powers. During the 1920s, it had signed a friendship treaty with Ethiopia which called for mutual respect and peace across the borders. However, the Mussolini regime sought to consolidate its power in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia was a natural target due to its huge size and resources (Gooch, 45). In addition, the Italians wanted to avenge their humiliating defeat at the Battle of Adowa in 1896 at the hands of the Ethiopian armies. The immediate cause for the conflict was a series of border disputes in Italian Somaliland. Italy had established a military garrison in the Welwel oasis which was considered to be Ethiopian territory. Subsequently in December 1934, a military clash broke out between Ethiopian and Italian forces in the â€Å"Wal Wal incident† (Gooch, 45). These border disputes were not handled in an efficient manner by the League of Nations. The UK and France remained passive in the wake of Italian provocations. This emboldened Italy to initiate a war against Ethiopia on October 1935. Military Tactics The Italians enjoyed complete military superiority over the poorly armed Ethiopians. The goal of the Italians was to use overwhelming force through the application of modern weapons like warplanes, artillery, tanks, and missiles. The Italians used combined arms operations that comprised of infantry which was supported by armor and airpower. This shocking power decimated entire Ethiopian armies (Mockler, 93). The Italians also used poison gas as a means of terrorizing and demoralizing the defenders. Civilians were killed and the natural environment was decimated through the use of poison gas. The Italian army was considered to be relatively inexperienced when compared with other Western ar mies. Its advance into Ethiopia was remarkably slow despite its inherent military superiority. The Ethiopians were able to stall the advance for six months before being overwhelmed by superior technology. Despite their inferior weapons, they were able to utilize the terrain and numerical strength to isolate and destroy Italian columns in several actions. The Ethiopians sought to drag the Italians into a bloody war of attrition. They sought to use guerillas in order to harass Italian military units behind their flanks and supply lines. Haile Selassie sought to use the Imperial Guard, the best trained armies, for driving a wedge between the main Italian armies. It was argued that the Ethiopians would avoid set piece battles and resort to guerilla warfare. Conventional war would be conducted only on favorable terms in order to neutralize the military superiority of Italy (Nicolle, 92). Casualties and Outcome It is estimated that over 10,000 Italians and 275,000 Ethiopians were killed i n the conflict. Over 44,000 Italians and 500,000 Ethiopians were wounded in the military conflict (Nicolle, 123). The Italians would win the war by defeating the Ethiopians after six months of battles. The occupation of Ethiopia would last until the liberation of the territory by the Allied forces. Ethiopian guerillas would continue to wage resistance against the occupying forces. Important Battles and Events Emperor Haile Selassie launched the â€Å"Christmas Offensive† as a counterattack against the advancing Italian forces.

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