Monday, October 21, 2019

HATCHET essays

HATCHET essays His dad and mom were divored. The boy was on his way to see is dad. so he got in a plane. the ploit showed he to fly the plane . then the ploit had a heartattack he did not know how to fly a lot.than the plane ran out of gas then crased in a lake he got but not the ploit. so he swam to shore then he woke up and he was hungere ** so he went ot get berres he ate so much he was sick so he slept. then he had to build a shelter a fire but he did not have a matches so he did not have one so he went to bed. he woke up spear so he can get food. then he got food so he went to bed shelter so he fixed it.then he took his hatchet then he saw the tale of the plane so he built a boat to get in so did he saw the ploit in the back he saw a bag he grabed it slept he woke up transmitter flicked the switch but nothing haped so he made some food that was in the bag than a plane landed ...

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